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Highlighting Worker Training Initiatives in Various States

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Worker Training Program (WTP) requested assistance developing a product to highlight training accomplishments in various states across the nation. These products, known as WTP state profiles, are valuable tools to educate policy makers about WTP’s efforts across congressional districts.

MDB works with WTP staff to develop state profiles, which feature training initiatives delivered by WTP-funded organizations in a particular state. To develop these products, MDB uses a standard operating procedure that involves reviewing progress reports and state-wide training activities within a given program period. These data allow MDB to compile quantitative data that reflects the average number of workers trained and courses delivered, as well as qualitative data with anecdotes and success stories from trainees. MDB works with WTP and the NIEHS Legislative Liaison to identify and highlight topics of interest within congressional districts.

To date, MDB has developed 13 state profiles for WTP. This includes state profiles for Alabama, Alaska, California, New York, Texas, and New Mexico, to name a few. MDB works with WTP to update existing profiles as needed. The list of state profiles continues to grow as WTP-funded organizations expand and broaden the reach of their training partners and initiatives.