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Environmental Justice

Focus Area
MDB strives to ensure that individuals — regardless of race, color, or national origin — have equal protection from environmental and health hazards.
Our team tackles environmental and social justice challenges through our work with federal and state agencies, as well as private sector organizations and nongovernmental programs. We help clients address health disparities through stakeholder engagement, facilitation and outreach, research and evaluation, and strategic communication.

Tim Fields is MDB’s Senior Vice President and Director of Environmental Justice practice. Mr. Fields spent 30 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and served as an Assistant Administrator for the Office of Land and Emergency Management.

Our team also has expertise in:

  • Brownfields & Superfund Sites
  • Chemical Safety & Hazardous Materials
  • Indigenous & Rural Communities
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Emergency Public Health
  • Environmental Health Science
  • Global Health & Climate Change
Mr. Fields leads our team of experts in the following areas:

Community Revitalization

Our work considers communities holistically. We facilitate meetings and engage the appropriate community, government, and private sector stakeholders. We help promote consensus building on issues related to housing, job creation, hazardous site cleanup, economic development, community assets, and environmental and public health conditions.

Health Disparities

MDB conducts structured analyses that result in valuable recommendations for environmental justice programs. We have authored federal and nongovernmental strategic plans that outline priorities and actions to reduce health disparities. These plans incorporate topics including job training, life skills training, and access to health care and education.

Climate Justice & Resiliency

Some communities are more vulnerable to impacts from natural disasters and climate change. Our team leads efforts to collect data and develop actionable strategies for community resilience, protection from natural disasters, and equitable development.
To see more details on our recent and past projects, view our Environmental Justice fact sheet